that was a record set by the previous person啊。哦,哎,在那個嗎?沒來上一層,哎,要be那沒再跟是啊,no ve看一下again,遠程也在在十一ten eight nine, seven, seven,不eight預備,拜拜six seven。哎,好,哎,這個I A couple呢is like twenty had, and i'm my alright thirty seconthirty second, can i do there?no, you gna, take it out when i was like school per mente,你的instagram买粉衣服一樣,就定在跟我聽到外個個哎,這個哎,你當是對白的手機認證,對吧?電影機裡頭,no again, get the potting billion about are。 can you get one and bwe?no好,來過來過來。對有s六S S四零的買youtube訂閱plus,他確定見我問別的手機認證。喂哦,熱熱哦,是有,我只you guys to low something。so so this and i tually should this know uasian side, ok, ay, you gotna try to do some really, really do not know yourself到旺旺旺旺,旺,旺,旺,旺,旺,旺旺。我我呃means rick that's going to bring you good balolth and a ty ricich really, really woridio。我們是put in the brain。 well, have you?oh okay, even open the socky day分。見了我哦,買來一個餐水,喂bed, feit hobay feit hobad good, right, but a riconer O K會actually let me give you get something of對。
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