um it's important that they do it with the right people and that they know exacwhat what they get into。so so uh only lucky said, has a lot of agent reviews that that we use to try eduduate people on what they getting into with that with that person, uum, of course, they can read about past experiences that other people have with that that experiences。but also on top of that, you're right with the street and susuof contcontent, we have on site um that we we got from our previous name, strade adviser um sort of like a tripid adviser for where people live。so they can research in area in great debt。uh, they can ask questions to agents and open foreign community。and uh they can really understand the subb that they're looking at living in or buying in um and uh they can get the answer that that they need need and know before they move in that O K,還是回歸到一個詞演算法。
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